Shut Down & Tuned Out
My colleague called me and announced that she had two new dogs! Yay! They had delayed in replacing their cherished mix breed, as she had left a huge paw print to fill. These two had issues though, they had been returned to the shelter twice already and were in danger of going on the 'unadoptable' list . She booked an initial assessment to help discover the cause and formulate a rehab strategy.

When I first met the Reno and Bixby, I noticed how closely attached they were, they moved together, almost like one dog. As I connected into Reno's chakras, I understood why - it wasn't clear where one dog ended and the other began. It was as if they were one dog displayed in two cute little bodies. As our connection deepened, and the chakras began to flow more naturally for Reno, he began to send me pictures of his previous life (from a Bichon point of view) and it was revealed that the two dogs had initially had a very attentive and loving owner who fell very ill. The dogs were then confined to a small dark room (laundry?) with lots of boots and shoes and when people came, there was danger of being stepped on. They rarely got out, and were quite ignored for the most part. They began to rely on only each other and shut out the rest of the world to protect themselves. This isolating experience created dogs that were very shut down. They were very nervous, barked alot, would allow no human touch, and seemingly had never had a walk on a leash, or otherwise. I realized also that they did not understand English yet (they were brought up with an Asian language) so that another thing they were struggling with. I imparted to Reno that this was now his forever home and he could relax and begin to enjoy human company. I did a unification circle for the home to help unite the household and make both dogs feel like they were part of a larger pack, with the humans in the lead. (This message would take a few different versions to finally be accepted by the dogs) As I finished up balancing Reno's chakras, I noted that it was more evident that there were two dogs in the room.
I continued on to Bixby and as I balanced his chakras, he ceased his pacing and went to his bed and lay down to rest. I shared the same message with him that he was in a forever home and he could now relax and rely on humans for companionship, food and walks. I pictured petting and caressing to him, walks and play, and he really seemed to enjoy it in the virtual world, but was reluctant to allow human touch in reality and definitely would not be leashed!
After our initial session, it was clear that this would take more than one session for both dogs, and, indeed it did. It took six, and each time I came back, there had been improvements and shifts. They have become much calmer and Rhonda is allowed to touch both of them now. I am even allowed to touch them both, so I feel quite honoured, as they are still not quite comfortable with human touch.
Currently they are thriving under the TLC of their 'mom', Rhonda and have become excellant helper dogs when Rhonda works with some of her clients - they are little Reiki masters!
I hang out sometimes, and I really enjoy these little mischiefs!
A Chakra Balance Session is a loving way to provide relaxation for your companion. It may also provide critical insights into the roots of the distress. I'd be delighted to offer you a complimentary 10 minute consult to answer your questions and to discover how I might serve your 'pack' best! Call 403-836-7065 or email